The Best Way To Grow Roses

One of the most celebrated flowers the world over is the rose. Everyone adores roses however sometimes gardeners elect not to grow roses based on the traditional feeling that roses are high maintenance and might be challenging to grow.

When roses were just grown for their flower, around50 to 70 years ago, they were more difficult to grow. These days, roses are raised so that the whole plant looks great and can be grown easily in gardens. Shrub roses, specifically, are bred to be low maintenance, disease resistant, and simpler to use. Plus, shrub roses come in several sizes to fit your landscape.

Here’s how to grow and care for your roses.

Begin With The Roots

You can buy roses which have already been potted in soil or as dormant bare-root plants. Each kind has its advantages:

  • Container roses: Container roses are fantastic for novice gardeners as they’re easy to plant and establish quite quickly. In addition, they can be purchased at local nurseries during the growing season. This gives you the opportunity to plant them when climate conditions are ideal — if possible a cool and cloudy day.
  • Bare-root roses: One of the benefits of bare-root roses is the increased selection of varieties available. Plus, these are economical and may be ordered online. However, as opposed to container roses, bare-root plants have to have their roots soaked overnight in water prior to planting. Also, the roots need to be kept moist for the first couple of months after planting.

When To Plant Roses

If you order bare root roses over the Internet, order with your planting date in mind. Bare Root roses need to be planted soon after these arrive. These roses are usually shipped in the early spring when plants are entirely dormant, well before they have leafed out. Bare Root roses look like a bundle of sticks when they arrive. Keep in mind that they are not dead —simply dormant! Ensure that the packing material is moist and keep them in a cool dark place until you are ready to plant:

  • In colder regions, you’ll need to plant bare root roses as soon as the soil is workable in the spring.
  • In warmer regions, you’ll need to plant bare root roses in the early spring or late fall. This is as long as the plant is dormant.

If you are purchasing potted roses, it’s best to plant them by late spring for the best results. But you can plant them almost any time during the growing season—just be sure to keep them well watered, particularly during summer. Do this and the play roulette NZ online games while you relax in your garden.

Pruning Roses

Pruning is vital for the general health, vitality and appearance of roses. Winter is the best time to cut back most varieties, but not rambling roses, which are pruned in summer directly after they have flowered.

The fundamental principles of pruning are the same: cutting back hard will promote the strongest growth, while light pruning will result in less vigour. The other basic rules include cutting to an outward-facing bud to prevent compacted growth and removing closely positioned stems that might rub or compete for space.