Creating The Best Garden Space For Your Cat

While many cat-loving gardeners do what they can to keep their furry friends out of some areas of the garden, there are many positives to allowing them to roam freely.

Even though cats do sometimes dig up newly planted bulbs and chew on prize plants, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Below are some top reasons for why creating the best garden space for your favourite feline is the best way to go for any gardening cat-lover.

The Benefits

Cats are great allies for keeping mice and rats under control.

For this reason, some nurseries have cats on their payroll. Even the urine of your cat can be useful for your garden. Feline urine is great for composting unwanted leaves lying about.

Creating A Special Space

Creating a special space in your garden for your cat’s enjoyment is easy and affordable.

All you’ll really need is a bowl of fresh water, a patch of catnip, and a comfy place for them to sleep and bask in the warmth of the sun.

Cats would much rather hang out in a patch of catnip than digging in your precious flower beds.

Location Is Everything

Since cats love the sun, the best place for their own special spot is a portion of the garden that doesn’t get too much shade.

Also, try to locate their corner of the space away from your favourite plants and flowers so you can enjoy playing at an online casino in Canada safe in the knowledge your plants are safe.

Cat-Friendly Plants

There are many cat-friendly plants to choose from.

Popular choices include catnip, various cat grasses, and catmint. And the best thing about these is that they’re easy to grow and maintain.

What’s more, catnip grows around a foot high and when flowering in the summer, produces lavender flowers which will further beautify your garden.

Catnip and catmint, in particular, give off a lovely fragrance when flowering, which is great for attracting butterflies and keeping rats away.

Is Catnip For Everyone?

At least eighty five per cent of all domestic cat breeds respond favourably to catnip.

Catnip contains the essential oil nepetalactone, which is known to create psychosexual stimulation in cats. This is also why it’s considered a healthy aphrodisiac for both male and female cats.

Planting A Salad Bar

Cats love feasting on natural grasses. These provide healthy roughage and a healthy digestive system. Grass is also a great source of folic acid, which is a great help in removing those pesky fur balls.

A good idea is to plant a square of grass about 3 square feet in size for your felines to nibble on.

Plants To Avoid

Unfortunately, some plants can be poisonous to cats. These include daffodils, iris, ivy, marigolds, and chrysanthemums.

Tiger Lilies, too, can be deadly when ingested, and should be avoided at all costs.

How To Keep ‘Em Out

Naturally, there will be some areas in the garden you’ll want to protect from your cat’s nibbling ways.

The best plant for keeping cats out of certain areas of the garden is a coleus named Coleus canina, which is often nicknamed “Scaredy Cat”. It gives off a strong aroma for keeping cats away but is completely harmless in every other way.