Outdoor recreational activities refer to the leisure pursuits people enjoy that take place out of doors, most often in either natural or semi-natural settings located out of urban areas.
These are becoming increasingly popular these days, thanks to how much time the majority of us are spending indoors, and can be a great way to get fit and stay in shape, as well.
There are many different ideas for you to try if you are interested in playing a little less of the online pokies NZ has to offer, and spending more time in nature!
Absorb New Experiences with Adventure Racing
Adventure racing is a combo of at least two endurance disciplines, with examples including:
- Navigation
- Cross Country Running
- Mountain Biking
- Paddling
- Climbing
An event like this can span ten days or more, and there is usually no suspension of the clock during races. You decide if and when to rest!
Broaden Your Horizons with Backpacking
As well as a hobby, backpacking is also a low-cost, independent method of travel. The backpack can be carried for long distances, and this activity can make for a wonderful holiday idea for those inclined as well!
Your backpacking could include wilderness adventures, travelling around your local area, and even going to new countries -the world is your oyster!
Stay in Shape with Cycling
Cycling is an activity that almost anyone can enjoy, regardless of age and/or physical fitness.
You could take a heart-pumping downhill ride on a dirt track, or simply slowly wend your way through a scenic route if you prefer.
This outdoor activity offers entertainment, a great form of exercise, and an environmentally-friendly way to get around, as well.
Get Down and Dirty with Disc Golf
The rules for disc golf are almost identical to the traditional game: the courses are made up of either 9 or 18 holes, and each one has a tee area and pin that you will be aiming for. The pin is made up of a big pole with a metal basket attached it, suspended a few feet above the ground.
Above this, various chains hang loosely, and these are what you will be aiming your disc at, with the goal of dropping it into the basket, in as few throws as is possible. Wherever your disc lands you will pick up and throw from again.
Rev Up with Rock Climbing
Rock climbing, also referred to as mountain climbing, is compose of two main styles:
- Indoor Gym Climbing which is very popular thanks to the ease of access and safety it provides
- Outdoor Climbing, a self-descriptive terms that is truly an incredible experience.
Both of these are highly recommended for those in search of a fulfilling, challenging activity.
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Surf
Surfing is another great idea for those with access to the ocean, and you don’t need to purchase any expensive equipment if you don’t want to, either.
Simply sign up at one of the many surfing schools that have become so popular, and rent what you need as you need it.